Cancer Research Project Autumn 2023
Eurythmy Therapy Online Course for People Affected by Cancer
with Therapeutic Parallel Programmes
Sundays from September 10 to December 10, 2023
German pages / Deutsche Seiten
All information on this page is preliminary and for discussion within the team.
The link to this page is confidential.
Participating is easy - and free of charge!
Who can participate
- Anyone acutely affected by cancer whose cancer diagnosis was no more than 5 years ago.
- People with acute fatigue after cancer treatment.
- Close caregivers of people acutely affected by cancer.
Who can not participate
- Normally, anyone can participate in our courses. In order to get comparable data for the research, we have to limit the group of participants exceptionally.
- We will send a questionnaire to everyone who registers for the evaluation, so that we can see whether our inclusion criteria apply to you. If so, you will be notified in time.
- Persons suffering from acute mental health problems such as depression, mania, schizophrenia, etc., will be asked not to participate in this course, but to attend one of our other offerings in the fall of 2023.
Who can participate free of charge
- Everyone who participates in the evaluation, i.e. fills out the questionnaires, participates for free.
- Even if you drop out early, there is no course fee. We will only ask you to answer the dropout questionnaire.
- 280 (reduced 225) euros will be paid by those who do not participate in the research program. With your purchase, you will receive the course and all materials for life.
Our thank you at the end of the course
- If you complete all four questionnaires, we will give you the video course and the recordings of the meetings worth 280 euros for life,
- and you can shop for 50% on Eurythmy4you for one year. This applies to all courses, live and recorded!
Please choose what is right for you.
I participate in the research
and register free of charge.
So beautiful! We're so happy to have you with us.
Want to know more before you decide?
Info webinars on eurythmy therapy for cancer, artistic-therapeutic services and research
Sunday August 20, 2023, 7 pm
German with simultaneous English translation
- Dr. med. .........:* Cancer and Trauma
- Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Wolf, University of Bern: Why is eurythmy therapy research so interesting and important?
- Eurythmy therapy for cancer with Theodor
- Examples from the accompanying therapeutic program
Sunday August 27, 2023, 10 am
English with simultaneous German translation
- Dr. med. ...........:* Cancer - Challenge for the Psyche
- Dr. Eliane Timm, University of Bern: Preliminary results of the evaluation of the cancer course in autumn 2022
- Eurythmy therapy for cancer with Theodor
- Examples from the accompanying therapeutic program
Sunday September 3, 2023, 7 pm
German with simultaneous English translation
- ..........:* What is good and helpful for people affected by cancer?
- Eurythmy therapy for cancer with Theodor
- Members of the cancer support group: What does eurythmy therapy add to my life with cancer?
- Examples from the therapeutic support program
* in preparation
Living with cancer is a physical, mental and spiritual challenge
Cancer affects you in your entire existence. It is a drastic and painful biographical event. Cancer can affect each and every one of us.
Conventional therapy for living with cancer initially focuses on the physical side of the disease. But the mental side, which can show itself in fears, worries, tiredness, lack of strength, anger and depression, and the spiritual level with its questions about meaning, about where from and where to, also want to be included.
Degradation and death forces can find their balance through imagination, creativity and enthusiasm. And eurythmy therapy can show us how our body holds the keys to health and healing. It helps us to experience inner lightness and luminosity, to feel embedded in a great whole and to regain confidence and security in life.
The video course with the eurythmy therapy exercises, the joint exchange in the meetings and in the forum, and our accompanying therapeutic programme accompany and support you on this path.
Participate in the eurythmy therapy research project and benefit from it on all levels!
Participate in the eurythmy therapy research project and benefit from it on all levels!
In autumn 2023, the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, IKIM, of the University of Bern will accompany us on this path. By taking part, you will help to gather valuable knowledge about the effectiveness of eurythmy therapy, to research it scientifically and to make it more widely known. At the bottom of this page you will find out how you can participate.
- In the eurythmy therapy for cancer video course, you will learn the eurythmy therapy exercise series for cancer and embark on a shared journey with the other participants.
- Every week there is a meeting where we share our progress, ask questions and deepen the eurythmy exercises together with Theodor.
- In the second half of the meeting you get suggestions and help for your life with cancer and related life questions in therapeutic working groups. Depending on your needs, you can choose from biography work, singing, sculpting, painting and other activities.
- In the group forum we tell each other how and with what we are on our way, support each other and discuss our contributions and questions.
- We collect scientific data at the beginning, in the middle, at the end and eight weeks after the course. You will be asked four times to fill in a questionnaire about how you feel, which will take about 20 minutes.
- Each person only completes as much as is right for him/her. If you decide to stop altogether, that is perfectly fine. However, we will ask you to share your reasons, as this is important for the scientific evaluation of the course.
- Within this course, there is no separate individual support from our therapists during the course. This is because it is important for the scientific evaluation that the offer is comparable for all participants. From January 2024 you can ask our therapists to work with you individually.
Your personal passage through the
Eurythmy Therapy Course for Cancer
Self guided online course for individual use
Breathe, create space, take yourself and your needs seriously, perceive yourself with love, arrive at yourself, let go, gain strength. The eurythmy therapy videos go through the exercises mindfully step by step, and you have the opportunity to repeat them.
Eurythmy therapy for cancer
Video course with exercises for every day
The movements shown are simple and effective, perfection is not necessary, relaxed participation is enough. If your mobility is limited or you get tired quickly, you can do the exercises while sitting or even just imagining.
In autumn 2022, we developed the video material for this course in a pilot project together with the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine at the University of Bern. The feedback you can read here comes from more than 100 participants:
Research with the University of Bern
At the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM)
of the University of Bern, a group under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Wolf has already been working for several years with Theodor Hundhammer and Eurythmy4you both practically-clinically - we have a large consultation hour for people with cancer - and research-wise. So it was a special pleasure for us to accompany the first big run through the eurythmy therapy exercises of the course "Living with Cancer" with well over 100 German and English speaking participants with a study in autumn 2022.
We, Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Wolf (Director of the Institute, see photo), Dr. Eliane Timm and Theodor Hundhammer would like to thank all the participants who completed the questionnaires before, during and after the course. The evaluation is in progress and after its publication in scientific journals we will be able to report the results here. We are happy about the many positive feedbacks from the participants of the evaluation.
Structure of the course
Weekly meetings every Sunday
- Start 10 September 2023
End 10 December 2023 - 1 introductory meeting, 12 eurythmy meetings, 1 final meeting
- from 10 to 12 CET in English
- from 7 to 9 p.m. CET in German with simultaneous English translation
Course of the meetings
- 10 minutes reflection on living with cancer by Theodor
- 40 minutes answering questions about eurythmy therapy for participation
- 10 minutes break
- 60 minutes Working groups of choice with different therapists and topics
- 5 minutes farewell with the warming series for cancer
How to work during the course
- During the Sunday meetings you will be introduced to the eurythmy therapy exercises. In the working groups you will do therapeutic, artistic or biographical work under the guidance of our coaches.
- You will be given suggestions and homework for the week, and we ask you to spend about 20 minutes each day on eurythmy therapy and on the suggestions from the working groups.
- We encourage you to work on the homework individually according to how you feel.
- We will discuss your questions and personal concerns in the forum or in the chat rooms of your working groups, which you may set up among yourselves.
- There is no regular individual therapy work with the coaches during this time. Emergencies may make individual meetings necessary. These are free of charge.
Coaching Team - Therapeutic Work Groups
Our coaching team will run the working groups and guide your group through the week. Each workgroup lasts 6 weeks, which means you can participate in two workgroups.
From the beginning of April we will show you the members of our coaching team here. Then you can see what is on offer and see what you would like to participate in. Until then you will only see Theodor and Ilse, who have designed the eurythmy therapy online course together and will run it in autumn 2022.
A few days before the start of the course you will receive an email with which you can register in the working group lists
Eurythmy therapy
Developer of the course "Living with cancer". Facilitator of the self-help group cancer
Biography work
Developer of the course "Living with cancer". Facilitator of the self-help group cancer