ABSR in Armenia
Blog article by Arpineh Melikyan
Several Aspects of ABSR Armenian, 2022
In February 2022, the ABSR Armenian experimental group was formed simultaneously with ABSR International Certificate Course. This group of non-eurythmist Armenian individuals started practicing ABSR and made surprising discoveries using their native language.
Here, we will explore three captivating aspects of the language that were uncovered during the practice of the ABSR Armenian seminar.
Let us remember George Byron, …
The 7x7 ABSR Action Chain
Blog post by Theodor Hundhammer
ABSR, MBSR, and the Eightfold Path
There is a surprising correspondence between the principles of the Eightfold Path, comprised of the central qualities of mindfulness, and the different forms of nervousness described by Rudolf Steiner in his lecture "Overcoming Nervousness":
- Saturday: Ideas, right opinion (Saturn).
Not being able to hold thoughts properly and follow them through in their consequences. - Sunday: Making decisions, right judgment (Sun).
The inabil…
Seven Keys for Trauma-sensitive Bodywork
What you should know about trauma....
...if you work with potentially traumatized people, live with them, or are affected yourself.
Blog-Article by Myrtha Faltin, stART international e.V. emergency aid for children©, excerpt from stART's handout for training refugee workers.
In the current global crisis, stART international e.V., based in Gröbenzell near Munich, is making its 17 years of experience in dealing with traumatized people available online.
1. What is a traumatic event?
The founders of psychotraumatology, Fischer and R…
The children are not doing well
Blog article by Mary Ruud, Milwaukee, USA
About the growing need to understand trauma-informed pedagogy.
Many children have experienced years of trauma just for attending school, feeling bullied or simply not seen for who they are, not meeting standards set by the state or their own teachers, peer pressure for relationships, drugs, and sex, and loneliness due to media overload. Do they know that school is no longer safe? For children, trauma can be any deeply stressful experience and its short…
A Wound to the Body, Soul and Spirit - Phases of Trauma and Steps to Overcome it.
Blog article by Mary Ruud, Milwaukee, USA
Trauma has existed as long as humankind on earth.
Wars, violence and natural disasters are all part of our shared history, yet therapies for trauma only began to be developed in Western medicine in the1980’s when post-traumatic stress disorder began to be officially diagnosed. Now nearly all therapists, and teachers, have training to deal with trauma.
- Trauma can affect whole groups of people such as in earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornados,…
Pain, Light and Wisdom
Blog Article by Yuriy Yurchenko, MD
Light and Wisdom
On the subject of wisdom, Rudolf Steiner once said: "Wisdom is crystallized pain that has been overcome and transformed into its opposite." With this he points to a certain world tendency, without which no life event would be possible.
We see something similar in Goethe's famous statement about the phenomenon of color. The eminent poet metaphysically stated that "colour is the result of the deeds and suffering of light" which is forced to p…
Posttraumatic Growth: Spiritual - Emotional - Physical
Trauma therapy and post-traumatic growth
The term "post-traumatic growth" was coined by Richard G. Tedeschi and Lawrence G. Calhoun [1], who have studied it both theoretically and empirically. It indicates that victims not only recover from trauma, but that it may present an opportunity for personal growth.
Although paradoxical that gain can come precisely from loss, there are numerous reports that traumatic life events can act as catalysts for post-traumatic growth.
What are the main factors…
Shock, shame, doubt, and terrifying confusion
(Harald Haas, MD, Speaker at the Eurythmy4you Trauma Conference on January 29, February 12, March 12, 2023.)
If we look at the internal and external, subjective and objective symptomatology that occurs in trauma (an initially incomprehensible or life-threatening situation of fright) a freezing, congealing and chilling first takes place. In the blood circulation a centralization takes place, the blood withdraws and one beco…
My colleague has Corona - are there eurythmy therapy exercises for it?
In November, I was asked: Dear Theodor, is there actually a special recommendation for eurythmy exercises for Corona? Unfortunately, a colleague has caught it, but fortunately she's been doing pretty well so far. (*)
This was my answer:
Dear ....
Yes, it already exists. In the course package "Resilience and Strength" she will find five eurythmy therapy exercises. These are actually intended to prevent and strengthen the rhythmic system. On the one hand, they are intended to reduce the ris…