
Way beyond „Stop acting up like that!“

Misteln Schuerch PS 500x594 HSP1-0 Preview

Use high sensitivity as a resource

What might just be a bit annoying to others is often unbearable for the highly sensitive: Noise, hectic light or even interpersonal tensions are so stressful for them that their quality of life suffers greatly. A pronounced sensitivity as a source of deep and true experiences can your enrich life - if you learn to deal with it better.

From now on, here in the blog, we will regularly have exciting articles which report about everything that high sensitivity ca…

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What should our ABSR courses be called in the future?

Wouldn't it have made more sense to find a "very own" name?

That question was asked in a Facebook post today:

„A question about the name of the course: The MBSR, the "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction" method, has been around for over 20 years, which very successfully conveys elements of mindfulness / meditation. Wouldn't it have made more sense to find a "very own" name? Otherwise it gives the impression that you want to jump on a successful / well-known bandwagon.“

This is our answer - if…

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How do I do eurythmy with the heart when the heart is a pump?

I in Action - B2.00_00_13_24.Standbild001

Something similar a student asked me some days ago. I share my answer with you here. What do you think about that?

Is the heart a pump? I'm moving further and further away from this attitude. Yes, the heart can contract and send blood to the periphery. But that does not make it into a pump that simply runs when you switch it on. The heart has very fine nerves with which it senses what's coming in with the blood, and how it can best respond. It is so faithful and so healthy and so complex, I can…

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U in the legs - How do I do it without getting tense?

ViA-U (1-2-3).00_28_45_09.Standbild003

A participant in the ABSR 1 course wrote me this e-mail in the seventh module:

What can I do so that I do not tense my legs with the U? When merging the legs internally or when building tension in the lower system, I seem to cramp myself (although I rather feel the movement as subtle).

I have responded:

Try to be mindful of feeling your lower legs and calves and creating the confluence there first, as tenderly as possible. And to bring about the confluence of the legs and the body from there.…

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How to retain joy in the second half of the course

In a multi-stage process, it is a well-known phenomenon that the middle point can present problems. Sometimes fatigue, listlessness or discomfort set in. Here we tell you how you can avoid this during the ABSR stress management course:

The course runs contrary to the weekdays. It begins with the A, which is assigned to Venus (Friday), and arrives in the seventh module at the U, which is assigned to Saturn (Saturday). This is a path that goes from openness and beauty to closure and tartness. (In A…

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What do I do if the exercise "sympathy-antipathy"helps me, but doing it causes me pain?

T01 Sympathy and antipathy - eurythmy therapy exercise.1 english

It is a fundamental law that eurythmy exercises are always carried out so that they are soothing. This is possible because in the case of eurythmy, it is primarily not the physical, but the energetic, ethereal movement that emerges and takes the body with it. Therefore, you can adjust each exercise either from the inside or from the outside so that there is no pain.

A participant in the HSP-1 High Sensitivity course wrote to me:

For some time I have been practising the Hypersensitivity exercis…

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