ABSR in Armenia
Blog article by Arpineh Melikyan
Several Aspects of ABSR Armenian, 2022
In February 2022, the ABSR Armenian experimental group was formed simultaneously with ABSR International Certificate Course. This group of non-eurythmist Armenian individuals started practicing ABSR and made surprising discoveries using their native language.
Here, we will explore three captivating aspects of the language that were uncovered during the practice of the ABSR Armenian seminar.
Let us remember George Byron, a devoted admirer of the Armenian culture. He arrived at the Armenian Mekhitarist Monastery in Venice on the island of St. Lazar in 1816 driven by a desire to learn Armenian.
Subsequently he said: "I learned the language of the Armenians in order to understand how and what language the Gods spoke, for the Armenian language is the language of Gods. Armenia is the homeland of Gods and Gods come from the Ararat Valley. There is no other country on the globe that would be as full of wonders as the land of Armenians".
Apparently, Lord Byron possessed a wealth of secrets regarding this language, which is why he openly and sincerely proclaimed it to the world.
1. When Language and World-Forming Forces Interpenetrate
ABSR Armenian group members made a fascinating discovery while studying planetary gestures, vowels, metals and days of the week. They found a mysterious correlation between the Armenian Alphabet and the elements listed in the table of Mendeleev's periodic table.
The Armenian Alphabet has a numerical representation, where each letter corresponds to a specific number. Vowel and Consonant Sounds are connected to these numbers. For instance, if we take the name of a metal like Ոսկի [Voski] which means gold and add up the numbers of each letter, we obtain the exact number of that metal as listed in Mendeleev's periodic table.
By employing this method all seven metals associated with the planets were identified in the table.
Thus, the ABSR Armenian group started to believe the notion that this language serves as a vessel for the secrets of the Universe. Further practice of ABSR reinforced this strong belief. The group became convinced that the Armenian language not only contained the names of metals, but also encapsulated their atomic structure. This profound interpenetration of language and the formation of the world appeared remarkably astonishing.
ABSR Armenian group explored and examined another amazing revelation concerning the interconnection of Armenian and the Periodic Table of elements.
In Armenia, there is an ancient temple called Zvartnots which, in some sources, is believed to date back to pagan times. According to legends it is the burial place of Tir - the Armenian ancient God of schooling and the written language.
When Danish physicist Niels Bohr rearranged Mendeleev's Table vertically instead of horizontally, it resembled the layout of the Zvartnots temple. The drawings and intricate details aligned, giving the impression that Niels Bohr had sketched an accurate archeological plan of the Zvartnots temple.
By delving deeper into these connections and incorporating Eurythmy gestures of Vowels and Planets, the ABSR practice group gained a profound understanding of Zvartnots as a sacred place where material and non-material worlds converge.They saw it as a place created by Higher Beings to convey the system of world-forming elements through numbers and letters making them accessible to the people inhabiting the Earth.
2. No Gender Distinction in Personal Pronouns and Nouns
During the ABSR course, the group very often engaged in eurythmic performances of poems and meditations in Armenian, English and Russian. As a result, another interesting revelation appeared – unlike many languages Armenian lacks gender distinctions both in personal pronouns and in nouns (it lacks nominal gender).
While in Russian there is он, она, оно, in German - er, sie, es, in English - he, she, it etc., in Armenian there is the one and only նա [na] for masculine, feminine and neutral personal pronouns.
The Armenian culture and language have a long history predating Christianity by thousands of years. According to some sources, they trace back as far as 60 -70 000 years, others estimate around 17 000 years.
According to Ancient Armenian Mythology, Tir was the Deity of written language, schooling and the art of rhetoric in ancient times. This belief supports the understanding that if there was a God specifically dedicated to language and schooling, it implied their existence during ancient and archaic periods.
As we know, the higher beings are not bound by gender. It is possible that the language they speak, has no gender too. This raises intriguing questions: What if Lord Byron's assertions about the Armenian language were true? What if the Gods communicated and keep communicating in this language? These are simple assumptions that emerged among participants of ABSR in Armenian.
3. When the Sun-Heart Rays, Sounds Come out
During the course a fascinating aspect of Armenian Alphabet unveiled itself, when the group started practising Vowel A. As they focused on their inner Sun (Heart) and radiated outward, ABSR Armenian group members recalled the forms of Armenian letters and how each letter derived from the symbol of the Sun. Once they successfully derived A-Ա from the Sun symbol, the group proceeded to practice with other Vowels as well.
Later they searched and found that there is a book named “Alphabets of Life” by Kim H. Veltman where the author speaks about this peculiarity of Armenian language. Two of the charts with derivations are attached below.
ABSR Armenian 2022 group experienced a remarkable success. Individuals developed a deep appreciation for Eurythmy practice. They began to observe themselves and their inner worlds and attuning themselves to their inner voice. Each day brought them new discoveries that filled them with simple joy and happiness. They noticed improvements in memory, concentration and overall peace of mind. The previous chaotic situations they had encountered, tended to gradually diminish. Working, painting and "playing" with Vowel sounds and Planets helped them to rediscover peace and harmony.
Arpineh Melikyan is co-author and editor of Eurythmy4you's Blog and offers ABSR courses in Armenian and English, both in person and online.
You'll find her courses and many more on our ABSR International pages, which are available for many topics and in several languages. We look forward to welcoming you there!
very interesting !
Арпине, ваш глубокая исследовательская работа со Словом очень впечатляет!
Dear Arpine, congratulations!
This is amazing research you did with your group! I wish you further and new discoveries! And please keep sharing them with us!
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