Eurythmy4you 2025 Zodiac Festival 

🏠 ⎪ FestivalA Beginners ⎪B Zodiac DrawingC PsychologyD MeditationE Eurythmy TherapyGerman/Deutsch

In-Depth Study

Eurythmy Therapy
Leg Movements and Jumps

Continuing education for doctors, (therapeutic) eurythmists. Others upon request.

Eight Saturdays from March 22 to May 17, 2025 | 16:00 – 18:00 CET

Check your time zone here

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Early Bird Discount up to 30%
50% Group Discount


Notes for the German speaking participants:

Anmerkung für die deutschen Teilnehmer:innen

Die Arbeitsgruppen werden nach Sprachen eingeteilt. Alle Unterlagen gibt es auf Deutsch.

Für die Demonstrationen von Christiane und Theodor ist die Frage, ob wir eine Simultan-Übersetzung einrichten müssen. Das ist teuer und braucht ausreichend Teilnehmer. Also bitte fleissig anmelden, dann kriegen wir das hin.


Anmeldeformular E
Wenn du genug Englisch kannst

Anmeldeformular D
Wenn du Simultanübersetzung brauchst

Frühbucher-Rabatt bis zu 30%
50% Gruppenrabatt


In Eurythmy therapy, exercises often incorporate leg movements and jumps. But what do Eurythmy therapy leg movements and the zodiac gestures in eurythmy have in common?

First, we will explore various ways to perform these leg movements meaningfully, examine how they connect with the corresponding arm movements, and delve into Rudolf Steiner's insights on their therapeutic applications.

From there, we will continue our exploration. While the Eurythmy therapy leg movements and sound gestures are dynamic expressions of will, the zodiac gestures remain completely still. However, when practised simultaneously by two people, these movements communicate and strongly influence one another.

You’ll be amazed at how this interaction reveals the powerful element of will present in both, and how their interplay can deepen your experience of the Eurythmy leg movements.

Barfod-Hachtel-DeJaager-Sprung K-H Seite 199

The jump with "plosive sounds“ und „fricative sounds“
W. Barfod, B. Hachtel: Eurythmy Therapy Training with Isabella de Jaager, page 199

Terms of Participation

The study work does not provide any therapeutic skills or knowledge. It does not replace a eurythmy therapy training and does not entitle participants to practise therapeutically or prepare them for such work.

  • Participation is open to doctors, eurythmy therapists, eurythmists, and students of these disciplines. This must be verified upon registration.
  • Others, who have actively participated in at least two live courses with Eurythmy4you may apply to participate by submitting a motivational letter. Here you can find courses you can still take part in: Programme 2025
  • If you are late and cannot meet this requirement, please write to to find out how you can still qualify.

Eurythmists and eurythmy therapists will receive, in addition to the invoice, a confirmation of continuing education for the hours attended. 

Times, Content and Schedule

Eight Saturdays from March 22 to May 17, 2025 | 16:00 – 18:00 CET

20 minutes sounds and jumps of zodiac sign one
15 minutes practising in groups
15 minutes Q&A
10 minutes break
20 minutes sounds and jumps of zodiac sign two
15 minutes practising in groups
15 minutes Q&A

March 22 Introduction
Aries: W
March 29   Taurus: R
Gemini: H
April 5 Cancer: F
Leo: D, T
April 12
Virgo: P, B
Libra: C, Ch, Sch
April 26 Scorpio: S
Sagittarius: G, K
May 3 Capricorn: L
Aquarius: M
May 10 Pisces: N
May 17 Conclusion

16:00 to 18:00 CET corresponds to:

8:00 am in San Francisc
11:00 am in New York
3:00 pm in London
5:00 pm in Kyiv
6:00 pm in Moscow
9:00 pm in Omsk
11:00 pm in Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur
2:00 am in Melbourne.

Click here to find your time zone

For our friends in Australia, New Zealand and the Far East, we suggest forming dedicated groups to work with the replays, with the option to schedule additional Q&A sessions.

Languages and Replays

  • The course is held in English.
  • Breakout rooms can be organized by language, allowing participants to discuss their homework in their preferred language.
  • English-language replays of the presentations and Q&A sessions will be available.
  • Participants are welcome to bring their own translators, but these must be arranged by the language groups themselves. Replays in those languages must be produced and shared by the respective language groups.
  • Text materials from the Eurythmy Therapy Course (Chapter 4) will be available in English, German, and Russian.


Christiane 800x800Christiane Wigand originally comes from Hanover, studied eurythmy in Berlin and eurythmy therapy in Dornach. She has her practice in Cape Town, South Africa, and is co-founder of the South African eurythmy therapy training programme, where she teaches students. She has extensive experience with eurythmy therapy in clinics, schools and nurseries. No case is too difficult for her, and with her vast experience and empathy, she quickly finds the path to healing. Christiane is an enthusiastic horse rider, sings songs on the guitar, plays violin in an orchestra and also a bit of cello.

Theodor 18.7.2020 Pfad DE - Schnitt1

Theodor Hundhammer originally hails from Bavaria and now lives in Switzerland. He is a federally recognised complementary therapist with a Eurythmy therapy practice in Bern and Biel. For years, Theodor has been conducting research projects with the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM) at the University of Bern. Theodor is the founder of Eurythmy4you and has developed the exercises on this video platform for you. You can find his books here.

Click here to book an individual session with Christiane or Theodor


We will strive to ensure that the groups are moderated by group leaders trained by Eurythmy4you. Each group will consist of 6-8 participants and will remain together for a longer period.

There is a shared forum for discussion throughout the week. Communication within the groups and any meetings held outside the regular sessions will be organised by the groups themselves.

Costs and Registration

Base price: 2 hours per Saturday for a total of 40 euros, amounting to 280 euros for 7 Saturdays.

  • Full package 140 euros ($150 / £115 / CHF 130): Includes all meetings, all recordings, the confirmation of continuing education, and other materials.
  • Early Bird Discounts: until 31 December 30%, until 31 January 20%, until 28 February 10%.
  • 50% Group Discount (please write to:
  • Students can enjoy a 50% discount upon providing proof of enrollment.
  • Participants from South Afrika  can sign-up for 1'000 Rand (write to Christiane Wigand)*
  • Late joiners: Those joining later will pay a reduced price and receive the recordings of the previous sessions for free. Write to

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