Eurythmy4you 2025 Zodiac Festival 

🏠 ⎪ FestivalA Beginners ⎪B Zodiac DrawingC PsychologyD MeditationE Eurythmy TherapyGerman/Deutsch

Cosmic Symphonies

 Discovering the Inner Power of the Zodiac

Transforming live courses from March 17 until May 19


Realise your power within

Zodiac Workshop Group 2024

The Eurythmy4you Zodiac Team is happy to welcome you!

Everyone is welcome! You don´t need a eurythmy background to join.

The courses take place at different times and you can take several courses without any problems. However, we do not recommend taking more than two courses. You can purchase recordings of the others later.

50% Group Discount (please write to:

Course A Beginners
Chinese, English, German, Russian

The Power Behind
My Name

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 15:00
Find your time zone here

Thorough introduction to the gestures of the Zodiac, its colours and sounds. Discover them as the power within your name.

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Course B Drawing
English, German

Dynamic Zodiac Drawing

17.3. to 19.5.2025
8 Mondays at 18:00
Find your time zone here

Touch the effectiveness of the Zodiac beings by moving and drawing their symbols within yourself and on paper.

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Course C Psychology

Challenging People

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 18:00
Find your time zone here

Examine how disruptions occur and discover pathways within the Zodiac signs to navigate challenging situations and people.

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Course D Meditation
Chinese, German, English, Russian

The Twelve Moods

23.3. to 18.5.2025
8 Sundays at 10:00
Find your time zone here

Explore the Zodiac in the reflection of the planets through forms, gestures and texts, and observe them in nature.

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Course E Therapy
English, partly German

Therapeutic Eurythmy

22.3. to 17.5.2025
8 Saturdays at 16:00
Find your time zone here

Consonants and their therapeutic application. Movements and jumps against the background of the Zodiac.

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How You Can Best Combine the Courses and What Prerequisites Exist.

A) Zodiac Beginners' Course: This course provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of eurythmic Zodiac gestures. You can attend it without any prior knowledge.

B) Dynamic Zodiac Drawing: We recommend this course if you want to experience the symbolism of the signs in depth. You do not need any eurythmic knowledge.

C) Psychology/Astrology Course: If you already know the Zodiac gestures of Eurythmy, you can directly enter this course. It is experimental and you cannot do anything wrong.

D) Zodiac in-depth Course: If you already know the Zodiac and planetary gestures of Eurythmy, you can directly enter this course with its meditative-essential contents and nature observation.

E) Therapeutic Eurythmy Continuing Education Course: For trained Therapeutic Eurythmists, Doctors and Students with demonstrations, homework and group work. It is best to attend this course on its own.

A+B) Beginners' Course + Psychology/Astrology: If you want to experience the symbols of the signs more deeply with your body awareness, we recommend combining the Beginners' Course with dynamic Zodiac drawing.

A+C) Beginners' Course + Psychology/Astrology: If you already know a bit about Eurythmy and have therapeutic interests.

A+D) Beginners' Course + In-depth Course: If you already know a bit about Eurythmy and want to experience the Twelve and Seven aspects of your inner being in the surrounding nature.


Either C or D: Please do not enrol in both Psychology/Astrology (C) and the Zodiac Meditation Course (C). They go through the Zodiac in different order and the homework does not match.

You won't miss anything: You can acquire recordings from all courses later. This way, you won't miss anything, can repeat everything at your leisure and study independently.

Limitation Makes the Master! We do not recommend more than two courses.

0 Stillframe Joy

Which Zodiac sign did they practise before this recording?

We welcome you to exciting courses.

Experience how the secrets of the Zodiac
become completely newly experienceable through Eurythmy.

Tierkreis Lauteurythmie Oswald Dubach 1927 transparent

Drawing of the 12 Eurythmy Zodiac Gestures from Oswald Dubach, 1927