Eurythmy4you 2025 Zodiac Festival
🏠 ⎪ Festival ⎪ A Beginners ⎪B Zodiac Drawing ⎪ C Psychology⎪ D Meditation ⎪E Eurythmy Therapy ⎪German/Deutsch
How to access inner strength when
Facing Difficult People and Situations
Eight Sundays from March 23 to May 18, 2025 | 18:00 – 20:30 CET
with Marie Davis (USA) and Theodor Hundhammer (Switzerland)
50% Group Discount
Feel more confident and find healthy solutions for difficult people and situations
No matter the stage of life, we all meet difficult situations and people. This is a reality of being human. Learning and growing from these experiences is also a human quality. Luckily, there are hidden inner resources deep within us all.
One of the keys to self-confidence and managing difficult situations and people is that we feel the reality of our inner being, our worth as a human being. One of the sources of our inner being can be found in the Zodiac. Once we connect with our humanity, we can find healthy and wise ways of responding to difficult situations and people.
We will start acquainting ourselves the planes of space which provide our personal and professional balance. Next, by exploring into what happens when we or others lose this balance, we experience how difficulties arise. Then we will explore the strengthening inner forces through 3 pathways of building up each Zodiac sign. These pathways will reveal multiple dimensions of resiliency, inner courage and wisdom that can aid us to navigate difficult situations and people.
In this way, we build a dynamic system of accessing the inner strength of our humanity.
In our course, we will:
- Learn dynamic movement exercises that increase wakefulness
- Learn to experience how our inner and outer balance is achieved through three planes dynamically
- Experience how loss of our inner and outer balance along the three planes leads to many kinds of difficulties
- Learn the Zodiac gesture that can restore our inner and outer balance and the human qualities that each sign bestows
- Learn the “helper” Zodiac signs for each sign that can bring different potentials of each sign to the foreground
- Discuss how what is discovered through practicing the Zodiac gestures and their helpers can support us in dealing with difficult people and situations more confidently
One key to accessing our deeper wisdom is to approach all eurythmy gestures and exercises with our attention open and questioning. By attending to the movements and our inner experiences with a spirit of discovery we make space for something to come forward or be discovered. The descriptions of the gestures are meant to support each participant in learning how to move the etheric first and create a space for something to emerge or be discovered.
Meeting times
We meet online at 8 Sundays from 18:00 to 20:30 CET. We will work for 60 minutes on one personality theme, have 30 minutes break and then work on a second theme for another 60 minutes. Meeting dates are March 23 and 30, April 6, 13 and 27, and May 4, 11 and 18. Find your time zone here
- Course Price: 90 Euros ($98 / £75 / CHF 85). Includes all live sessions, recordings, and supplementary materials
- Early Bird Discounts: 10% until 28 February
- 50% Group Discount (please write to:
After signing up, we will ask you a few questions to help us tailor the course to your needs.
- What inspired you to join this course?
- How do you perceive the current social atmosphere in your life or community?
- Which aspects of relationships do you find most challenging?
- What do you hope to cultivate or experience in your relationships?
- In which areas of your life do you encounter the most difficult relationships (e.g., family, work, friends)?
- What are you hoping to learn or achieve through this course?
Going through the questions will support your inner preparation, and help you get the most out of our working together.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Marie O. Davis: "My approach starts with the understanding that the human being has within it untold potential that can meet and overcome all manner of difficulty. The path of healing involves coming to recognize and develop our own unique potential. Many life circumstances that we encounter are the very conditions that can help us discover and recover our inner convictions, direction and life fulfilment.
I am honored to work with the individuals that come to me as I, myself, grow as a result of my encounter with each person. I have worked over the years to transform myself in ways that enable to me to serve each unique circumstance. For the past 30 years, I have studied many approaches of working with the body, the soul, and the spirit so that the inherent wisdom within us all can be revealed.
I have a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counselling that I earned in 2010. I am certified in Expressive Arts Therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Anthroposophic Psychotherapy. I have worked with teens, young adults, and adults with a range of issues from complex trauma, to anxiety disorders, depression, relationship issues and spectrum disorder issues such as ADHD, Aspergers, and NLD. I also teach in psychotherapy training’s, am writing and publishing professional research articles and lead workshops in Anthroposophic Psychotherapy and Eurythmy.
From my years of experience and diverse range of training, I have learned that only when we work with the body, soul, and spirit do we achieve lasting change. Change can be hard work but with patience, curiosity and support it can also be deeply rewarding."
Theodor Hundhammer is the founder of the online platform Eurythmy4you. There he develops courses on stress management, high sensitivity and current disease topics such as cancer. He produces the videos, is responsible for the content and trains employees who teach the course content worldwide.
Theodor grew up in Bavaria near Munich. As a schoolboy he was an avid glider pilot and later studied aviation at the TU Braunschweig. There he built experimental gliders and graduated in the fields of gear mechanics and factory operations. In between he worked in curative education, geriatric care and trained as a kindergarten teacher. After completing his studies, he was employed as a plant engineer at WALA-Heilmittel GmbH, during which time he dealt with the spiritual significance of technology for humans.
Theodor studied Eurythmy in Holland and America and Eurythmy Therapy in Pforzheim, Germany. He then founded his practice in Bern and Biel in Switzerland. In addition to his therapeutic work, he worked at FAIRMED until 2011 as a project administrator for health projects in Africa and Asia. From 2011 to 2020 Theodor was board member and president of the Eurythmy Therapy Professional Association Switzerland. Theodor is author of four books (in German): Eurythmy on Skis, From Sign to Word, Eurythmy – Quo Vadis?, Marie Steiner von Sivers.
Drawing of the 12 Eurythmy Zodiac Gestures from Oswald Dubach, 1927