Course Content
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1. Pay attention to your thoughts
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2. Decide with care
The right judgment8:14
Eurythmy, Offer, Task6:51
Demonstration with variations of the “AU” gesture37:35
The helpers from beyond: D and T23:40
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3. Mindful speech
The right word9:15
Eurythmy, Offer, Task10:14
Demonstration with variations of the “Ai” gesture47:50
The helpers from beyond: F and V19:34
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4. Care filled deeds
The right deed7:35
Eurythmy, Offer, Task7:02
Demonstration with variations of the «E» gesture48:43
The helpers from beyond: W, S and R18:22
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5. Careful composition of life
The right standpoint4:24
Eurythmy, Offer, Task9:22
Demonstration with variations of the «I» gesture44:15
The helpers from beyond: B, P and H24:27
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6. Serving your surroundings
The right striving4:21
Eurythmy, Offer, Task10:10
Demonstration with variations of the «O» gesture49:03
The helpers from beyond: G, K and N29:27
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7. Learning from life
The right memory8:12
Eurythmy, Offer, Task10:00
Demonstration with variations of the «A» gesture47:06
The helpers from beyond: C, Ch and R24:44
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8. Becoming One
The right mindfulness10:30
Eurythmy, Offer, Task16:35
Demonstration with the vowels and «TAO»52:51
TAO - Sun19:10
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History and meaning of the path
The stages of the path
The Noble Eightfold Path of the Gautama Buddha
Rudolf Steiner's Eightfold Path
The path, the beatitudes and the exercises of „Nervous conditions in our time“
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Demonstration with variations of the U-gesture
Pay attention to your ideas (thoughts).
Think only significant thoughts. Gradually learn to separate the essential from the unessential, the eternal from the transient, the truth from mere opinion. When listening to the speech of fellow human beings, try to become truly silent inwardly and refrain from all consent, especially all derogatory judgments (criticism, rejection), also in thoughts and feelings.
This is the so-called "right opinion".
Pay attention to your ideas (thoughts). |
Allow the arms to stream together from the right (ideas) and left (thoughts) sides in front of the heart until the palms come together. |
Think only meaningful thoughts. |
Try to feel this streaming together and the creation of the sagittal plane inwardly as well. |
In thinking gradually learning that - the essential and the non-essential, - the eternal and the transitory, - truth and mere opinion, |
Feel a connection between hands and heart Allow the hands to slowly rise upwards. Perceive where and when this suits the text best. Try to experience the counter-current that simultaneously flows down through the body and the legs. |
may be separated by you. |
Separate the arms so that they descend to the sides. Feel how you stand now. |
When listening to others |
Slowly bring the arms forward from the heart in a parallel gesture, simultaneously perceive the instreaming counter-current. |
try to become truly silent inwardly. |
Perceive into the heart. |
All approval and especially, all negative judgments (criticism, rejection), |
Alternately feel the right ball of the foot and the left ball of the foot press on the ground, and the effect right up to the heart. |
in thoughts and feelings |
Slowly raise the parallel arms a little (thoughts) and lower them a little (feelings). |
should be abandoned. |
Release the hands to the sides and let them sink down. |
This may be called: ‘Right Opinion’. |
Feel your uprightness, yourself and the inner peace for a while. |
Supplementary videos:
Blackboard drawing