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Course Content

Eurythmy, Offer, Task

Discover living thinking through mindfulness


  • You learn to observe thoughts within you as if they were things or beings in the outside world around you.
  • You begin to discover the living aspect in thought.
  • You begin to experience thinking as a spiritual reality.


  • Deepen your own thinking starting from a thought or experience.
  • Do not react immediately, but see through the given like your habits, pain and attitudes.
  • In this sense cultivate and cope with the living in your thinking.

Daily life

  • How wonderful the sun is shining today!
  • The birds have been singing since dawn. The light is mild and the lilac smells. You try to remember a spring song. The coffee boils over, hissing. Now the stove has to be cleaned!
  • Finally a break. You want to relax briefly when the cell phone reports a message. Reading makes you hot and then cold. What do they think? You lie down and try to calm down. But the thoughts race through your brain.
  • Look at the clock: In five minutes a client is coming. Quickly prepare the documents.


  • What do you understand under: "Think only meaningful thoughts"?
  • Which assignments could you give yourself, in order to DO "Think only important thoughts"?
  • What practical examples can you find to distinguish: Essential and non-essential thoughts; eternal and transitory thoughts; truthful reality and your opinion?
  • Make a list of the thoughts you have in connection with the above mentioned questions.
  • How do you approach this task? What can help you to think only essential thoughts?
  • Find practical examples: what are essential and immaterial thoughts; eternal and fleeting thoughts; truthful thoughts and personal opinion?
  • Take some notes on your thoughts on the questions above.

Start practicing!