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Program 2025


Highly Sensitive Certified 1600x1600 transparent EN

Unfold Your Inner Knowledge

Certified Sensitive

Multiple courses from January 2025
Early bird discount 10-30% on all courses marked with *


Zodiac Workshop Group 2024

Eurythmy4you Zodiac Festival 2025

Cosmic Symphonies*

From March to April 2025

The Power Behind your Name group

Discover What Eurythmy Can Give

The Power Behind My Name*

From March 23 to May 18, 2025


Tierkreis Lauteurythmie Oswald Dubach 1927 transparent

How to Access Inner Strength

Facing Difficult People*

From March 23 to May 18, 2025


Zodiac drawing Leo-Aquarius cut

12 Tuning Forks for Home Use

Dynamic Zodiac Drawing*

From March 22 to May 10, 2025

Barfod-Hachtel-DeJaager-Sprung K-H Seite 199

Eurythmy Therapy In-depth Study

Leg Movements and Jumps*

From March 22 to May 10, 2025



Isabella de Jaager - Werner Barfod - Beatrix Hachtel - Heileurythmie

Joint Study and Exchange of Experiences

Eurythmy Therapy Training with Isabella de Jaager 1960/62*

From August 24, 2025 to March 29, 2026


ABSR International weisser Hintergrund

10 Weeks to Regain Your Balance

Rediscover Yourself

Stress release courses throughout the year



Support Others in Unfolding Eurythmy


Eurythmy Certificate Course 2026 - 2028

Last but not least, don't forget to check out the free eurythmy therapy app, available on Android and iPhone.

Free Eurythmy App

Eurythmy Therapy App EN

Find your joy with Eurythmy4you.
