Zodiac Summer Weeks 2024

Only two places left, so apply quickly!

We have secured a beautiful chalet named Adlerhorst (Eagle's Nest), a former school building in the Swiss mountains, south of Bern, accommodating up to 10 people. The chalet boasts four separate bedrooms and spacious rooms ideal for our work.


Adlerhorst e4u House 2

Haus Adlerhorst
Entschwil 53, 3755 Diemtigen

We've booked the chalet from Saturday, July 20th to Saturday, August 3rd. The estimated cost is approximately 50-60 Euros per day per person, covering accommodation and meals, totaling 800 Euros per person for the event. Should there be any remaining vacancies and you are willing to pay a higher price for a single room, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The participants come from South Africa, India, England, North America, Germany, Ukraine and Switzerland. The language of conversation is English. 

Workshop Activities

The aim of this Summer Workshop is to develop an Eurythmy Online Course on Zodiac gestures, their meaning and their practical application. During the summer workshop, we will explore eurythmy zodiac gestures in connection with the attributed planets. We will study texts, move together, explore, invent, and design attractive ways to convey eurythmy to a diverse range of people.

Participants of this workshop are invited to actively participate in the Eurythmy Online Course next year, performing, teaching, or facilitating it, however this is not an obligation. Some of our creations might be filmed during the summer workshop and be integrated into the autumn course, others will be presented live. 

Possible schedule (to be adapted once we meet):

  8:00 -   8:45 xxx
  9:00 - 12:00
Study and eurythmy
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 18:00
Free time together in nature in groups of two for projects and study of the 12 moods
18:00 - 19:00
19:30 - 21:00
Practical exchange and discussion about the discoveries of the afternoon

There will also be days to just have fun and enjoy life: One day will be spent relaxing and hiking, another half day for shopping and sightseeing in Spiez and swimming in Lake Thun.


How You Can Prepare

We encourage you to explore the Zodiac Text Study Weeks in June 2024 as an ideal preparation for our event. If you're unable to attend, registering will grant you access to a full text pdf, presentation replays and recap texts for self-study. This foundational content will form the basis of our theoretical work during the Adlerhorst-Weeks.


Costs and Application

All participants, including the organising team Theodor and Monika, pay the same price of 800 Euros for 14 days. The amount includes accommodation and food that we buy and prepare together. If it comes out cheaper, we will decide together what to do with the remaining funds.

Participation in the Summer Workshop is by invitation only. As spaces are limited, we kindly request some information from you to better understand your background. As soon as your application has been accepted, we will send you the link to finalise your registration. 

Apply Here

Any questions? Write to monika@eurythmy4you.com

Enjoy the landscape in which we will study

Each day we will go for a walk in small groups to explore questions about eurythmy and the zodiac in nature. Your discoveries and thoughts will be shared when we return. This will inspire our work in terms of how best to bring eurythmy to the people.

Wiriehore / Wiriehorn | Alpinklettern | Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC

Our "House Mountain", is the Wiriehorn, 2304 m above sea level (7560 feet)

From our location you can do a walk around this beautiful mountain or an easy hike to the top in about 5 hours.

Our village

Nestled on a gentle plain that gracefully melds into the natural landscape, our village is bathed in sunlight as it overlooks the valley. The large white house in the background of the village, which can be found in the center of the picture, is our home. At the valley's end lies Lake Thun, where we will go swimming.

Easy walking

Prefer downhill walking? Take an easy path down to the gondola lift, ride up to enjoy the view, and then enjoy a leisurely walk back to where we live. In the background, you'll see the Wiriehorn, an easy climb for the more ambitious among us with good physical condition.

Sporty hiking

If you enjoy being active, you'll find plenty of opportunities for all kinds of walks and hikes. This picture was taken from Mount Wiriehorn, 1200 meters above our village, which you can see in the center of the picture below.

Isn't it an interesting place?

What do you think of the "Flueli-Wood" Hill behind our house? This mysterious little hill lies perfectly aligned with both the Wiriehorn and the Schwarzenberg, the half-rocky, half-forested peak visible in the other picture.


Arrival by air and train: All three Swiss airports – Geneva, Basel, and Zurich – are equidistant from our location. From the airport, take the train to Bern, which is about a one-hour ride. From Bern, it is a 45-minute journey to Oey-Diemtigen, where we will pick you up. Alternatively, you can take the connecting bus from there to Horboden, Chollerenbrücke (a 6-minute ride), which is even closer: Railway Timetable

Arrival by car: Google Maps:  Entschwil 53, 3755 Diemtigen



Adlerhorst e4u House


We live in the wooden attic above the classrooms, which we can use for eurythmy.

Adlerhorst e4u Living Room

Living Room


Adlerhorst e4u Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1 (two  single beds)


Adlerhorst e4u Bedroom 2

Bedroom 2 (one double bed with two separate mattresses)

Adlerhorst e4u Bedroom 4

Bedroom 3 (one double with two separate mattresses and two single beds)


Adlerhorst e4u Bedroom downstairs

Bedroom 4 (one double bed with two separate mattresses)

Adlerhorst e4u Eurythmy 1

Eurythmy 1


Adlerhorst e4u Euythmy 2

Eurythmy 2 (on request)


Adlerhorst e4u Kitchen
