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Truth as a source of strength

Find out what it's really about.

Your thinking is connected and creative but also filled with caution and circumspection. This is a great strength.

The downside is that it may lead to pondering or you have a hard time finding a decision.

Although you can think so well and also advise others, you find the right solutions for yourself with great difficulty. This can become an inner source of distress.

In order to escape from this misery, you sometimes feel the need to blame others.  Or cover-up your need with shopping, chocolate, cigarettes...

In such situations you have fallen out of the flow of life. You go through emotional torments: frustrated rebellion, emotional blockages or stagnation in your soul.

How far do you hold onto what you want to change or what is difficult for you? Can you also experience joy and happiness, even if not everything is solved?

You will probably be surprised when we propose that this week you spend time to discover and explore the voice of conscience. This opens up the possibility for you to let your inner voice advise you more and more over time. Then you can surrender yourself to a decision despite its risks, and still not lose yourself. You act and you are with yourself. In this way you can better accept and cope with what comes your way.

Find out what it's all about! What does your inner voice say?


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